In the Name of Allah, Who with His Name nothing can cause harm in the earth nor in the heavens, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-knowing

Jealousy is a disease of the hearts that causes serious damage not only to the minds but to the body. There is no jealousy, except that whoever shows it to others are not happy with the gifts Allah Bestowed to the others. A believer makes effort to carry out her task with reference to seeking Allah’s pleasure, but when jealousy or envy is setting in, it means one is hurting her own emotional feelings. There is no self-compassion in such attitude towards oneself. If we cannot show mercy to other people or become happy for them when Allah Bless them with anything, then we will not be able to show compassion to ourselves by the time we become jealous. The parable of a jealous individual is described as a situation whereby you are doing injustice towards yourself.
A writer once said “… the jealous person a lights fire and then jump into it”    When this attitude is present, it does not allow the atmosphere of love within the heart. Allah warned us in so many portion of the Qur’an and make it clear in suratul Hujurat that we should avoid such attitude and we should always keep our duty to Allah through constant repentance and seeking forgiveness.
Jealousy has in its mode grief, pain, worry and suffering, which will always cause destruction to the bearer. The jealous people will never be happy and they remain sad until they depart this world. And on the day judgement they will have no reward for their attitude.
So, dear sisters let us have a critical look into the above topic, how can we improve our self-compassion by leaving behind any act that will scrap our good deeds n this life and in the hereafter? Let us struggle with our souls, jihadu nafs, constantly and regularly in order to combat this disease of the hearts.

I pray that Allah protect us from the evils of our hearts and within our society, we seek refuge in Allah from the evils of the jealous ones and from all evils known and unknown, Aameen ya rabbil alameen.
By Nurat Adelopo
Delight Counselling and Therapy services.