Tips to cope with Emotional stress β€β€πŸ©ΉπŸ’”


Let go of the past: Let go of the past by creating a positive memory to counter the painful thoughts. In our previous podcast, we mentioned that our mind comprises of conscious and subconscious.

The conscious mind is the active one and we use it to process our thoughts and carry out actions.

The subconscious mind is the one that stores our memory, either good or bad.

Our subconscious minds are so powerful that they can dominate the conscious mind if we are not controlling the thoughts that flow in and out of the mind due to worry.


Create physical distance: Pay attention to triggers in your environment and changes in your emotions.

Create physical distance to the environment that triggers your stress which could be detrimental to your emotional stress.

You can excuse yourself by going out for a walk. While you are out, keep your tongue moist in the remembrance of Allah.

Choose a place of greenery, where you can appreciate nature and the wonderful things Allah has created and give shukr.


Journaling: Journaling is a powerful tool to use to reduce the symptoms of emotional stress and improve overall health and well-being. It could help detect triggers and unhealthy patterns in our thoughts and behaviours.

For it to be effective, keep it simple. Keep it private and express your emotions in a way that feels right to you. This would help reduce the pains you are experiencing.


Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness is similar to mentalization. It is the developmental process of being aware of one’s behaviour and other people’s attitude.
Being mindful by engaging the reflective self is to be aware of the rising of one’s mental states with acceptance and without attachment or judgment. It is the ability to pay attention, to remember to be fully present in the moment.


Be gentle with yourself: Have self-compassion by not immersing your whole self in the negative feelings. It means that you should think about what went wrong in a constructive way.
As human beings, we all have emotions and we experience feelings in different ways.
You could allow the negative emotions to flow by not denying it, but also develop the ability to cope and move on.
Don’t deny yourself the opportunity to react to a situation when there’s a need for it but be gentle with yourself.


Acceptance: Accept your situation even if the other person involved does not apologise.

In all relationships, it takes two to tango, but it requires only one to help improve the situation for the better.
So, give yourself permission to choose to be the bigger person. Accept and make things better.

Finally, early intervention is very important. Working with a therapist could help you navigate your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. The therapist will use the most suitable approach and best method to help reduce emotional stress and to promote your overall well-being.

Seek professional support before it’s too late.

Written by Nurat Adelopo