Ramadan and Our Mental Health

Alhamdulillah rabbil alameen for the opportunity Allah Has given us to witness this golden month of Ramadan, I pray Allah accept all our efforts as ibaadah and grant us the ability to witness laylatil Qadr. Aameen.
Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala mention in the Qur’an, suratul Qaf verse 16 “it was We Who created man, and We Know what dark suggestions his soul makes to him: for We are nearer to him than his jugular vein”.
Today, we might be feeling better, we might not be overwhelmed but let us remember that there will be some people somewhere far away from us or closer to us who are feeling sad, disappointed, angry, feeling frustrated, feeling they are not good enough to carry out their ibaadah…
For those people who might want to allow them selves to swim rather than sinking down the pool… Yes that is absolutely fine and okay. For the benefit of those who are struggling at the moment:
Ask yourself where the repetitive negative thoughts is coming from and pay attention to the present moment to recognize and acknowledge any negative self narratives or behavioural patterns…
To learn more about basic tips and practical strategies you can imbibe to help your mental well-being during this month, join us for free talk in shaa Allah on Sunday the 25th of April via zoom at 3pm London time.

© Nurat Adelopo (Member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy) 